Rev. Fr. Edward Osborne of the church of St. John the Evangelist. delivered an interesting address to the members of the St. Paul's Society last evening. The speaker based his remarks upon the 60th chapter of Isaiah, which tells of the coming of Christ's Light into the world.
There are three kinds of light; the light of opinion, the light of conscience and the light of God's Word. From the first we obtain light by learning what other people think of us; if we know that certain bad people approve of our ways then we can feel sure that we are not entirely free from wrong,- there is something in us in sympathy with evil.
Unless our consciences are used they become dull, and lose the light which God planted in us. The light of God's word is brought to us whenever we seriously read any portion of the bible, we have all felt the influence of His word as having some bearing upon ourselves.
Previous to the address a business meeting was held at which Harold Gregory,'92, was elected a member of the society.
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