Last spring a movement was started by undergraduates of Harvard College to form an interscholastic football association. In former years the various Boston schools had football teams, but they were usually of no account, and it was thought that such an association would bring out many more football men, and that the Boston schools would in time rival with Andover and Exeter in supplying material to Harvard elevens.
Six Harvard undergraduates donated a challenge cup, to be competed for once a year and to be competed for once a year and to be held during the year by the winner in the series. Seven schools joined the association,-the Roxbury Latin, the Boston Latin, Noble's, the Cambridge High and Latin, Hopkinson's, Stone, Nichols and Hale's, and Chauncy Hall. The first year of the association has proved the plan a success. A great improvement is noticeable in this year's teams over last year's, and about twice as many men tried to get on their school teams. The series this fall consisted of one game with each school, the game to be governed by the intercollegiate association rules.
According to the summary below the Cambridge High and Latin School team are winner in the series, with the Boston Latin a close second. The Boston Latin team has protested the Cambridge High and Latin-Boston Latin game on the ground that one of their men was disqualified contrary to rules. At an informal meeting of the donors of the cup, four of the six were present and they decided the protest against the Boston Latin School. The protest will be finally disposed of next Monday.
CLUBS category1, category2, category3, category4, category5, category6, category7, category8
Cambridge H. and L.- 6 22 I8 I8 36 36 I36
Boston Latin, 0 - 8 38 18 36 40 I40
Roxbury Latin, 0 0 - I8 I6 I4 I8 66
English High, 0 0 4 - 0 I0 6 20
Stone Nichols and Hale 0 4 12 0 - 30 0 46
Hopkinson's 0 0 I0 0 0 - 8 I8
Noble's 0 5 0 4 0 0 - 9
Points lost. 0 I5 56 78 52 I26 I08 -
Chauncy Hall forfeits membership by forfeiture of a game. English High admitted instead.
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