
Lectures at Yale.

Several courses of lectures on general subjects have been arranged at Yale, and the lecture feature promises to be more important this year than ever before. The Dwight course was begun last Monday, the lecturer being the well-known novelist, George W. Cable. Among the other appointments for this course are Bishop Potter, Rev. A. F. Shauffer, Dr. Wm. M. Taylor, of New York, and Prof. Wm. M. Sloan, of Princeton. The subjects in this course are mainly on religious topics. The Phi Beta Kappa course will be on more general topics. The lectures will be given by Rev. T. T. Munger. Professors Arthur Hadley, W. F. Knapp, A. M. Wheeler, Mark Bailey, of the academic department, Professors Loundsbury and Du Bois of the Sheffield Scientific School, and Mr. Donald G. Mitchell.
