

H. P. C. Rehearsal this afternoon. Candidates for the chorus will please be on hand at 3.45 sharp.

COMMITTEE.There will be an important rehearsal of the Pierian Sodality, Tuesday evening, at 7.30 o'clock. Be prompt.

C. W. GLEASON, Sec'y.Until further notice there will be an extra rehearsal of the Harvard Banjo Club on Tuesdays at four o'clock.

CHARLES COPELAND, Sec'y.Chess Club.- There will be a book at Bartlett's until Thursday night for entries for the tournament. Open to all members of the university.

A Harvard student wishing to earn a few dollars weekly for three hours daily service at a time which will not interfere with college duties will please address "E" at office of Daily Crimson.


The gentleman who left his ring in the gymnasium on Saturday can get it by calling on me at the Law School.

T. F. SUBLETT.FOR RENT CHEAP-Two well furnished rooms on Harvard St. opposite the yard for balance of year. Address M. A. S. Crimson office.

Lost-A note book. Finder will kindly notify J. Hartridge, 24 Holworthy.

HARVARD ASSEMBLIES. Tickets may be had at 32 Beck Hall Dec. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, between 1.30 and 2 p. m., or upon receipt of subscription by check or P. O. order. Positively no person will be admitted without presenting a ticket at the door. 6t56.
