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It is a great pity that after the freshman eleven has given proof of Ninety-two's worth on the foot-ball field Saturday afternoon, certain other members of the class should feel obliged to give proof of their fatness at the Adams House Saturday evening. One of the most unsatisfactory features of our college life is that every athletic victory brings with it disagreeable consequences; that every bright cloud, so to speak, has its dark lining. Can not an individual be a freshman and a man at once? If these would-be tough freshmen were mature enough to realize how silly such performances are, it is safe to say they would not disgrace their class and themselves again. It is unfortunate that when newspapers like the Record are ever on the watch for some foolish scrape to magnify, these childish freshmen should be so willing to furnish opportunities. Nipety-two has made an honorable name through the efforts of the manly young fellows who fought so well Saturday. Alas, that the newly-earned honor should be tarnished by less worthy sons.
