The price of board at Memorial for the month of October was $4.09.
There will be an important meeting of the CRIMSON board today at 1.30 p. m.
An instrumental club with twenty-five members has been formed at Columbia.
There will be an hour examination on Friday, Dec. 14, in Political Economy 4.
Professor Lyons addressed a temperance meeting last evening at the Unitarian church of Cambridge.
The Wesleyan chapter of the Phi Beta Kappa have presented college with $300 to be used in the purchase of some complete set of books.
There will be additional conference hours this week in History 13, as follows: Wednesday 1.30 to 2.30, Friday 10.30 to 11.30, Saturday 2 to 3. Mr. Currier will be in his room, Stoughton 6, all Saturday evening.
A dispatch has been sent from London to the associated press announcing that the boat race between Cambridge and Yale University has been fixed approximately for April 15. President Snipe of the Yale navy and Captain Woodruff deny this positively. They say that Yale has not even challenged Cambridge. In spite of this assertion another dispatch announces that Oxford also will be ready to row Yale, and that the Cambridge crew is hard at work training.
Some person at the Polytechnic Institute, of Troy, N. Y., presumably a member of '91, defaced the freshly cleaned and repaired ceiling of the topographical drawing room with the number of that class. The director attempted, by questioning, to discover the culprit, but each member of the class, with but few exceptions, refused to state whether or not he was the guilty person. The matter was brought before the faculty and it was recommended that the class be suspended for one week, but no decision has as yet been reached.
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