
Wesleyan's New President.

The Wesleyan Argus speaks in terms of highest praise of Dr. Bradford P. Raymond, who has formally accepted the presidency of Wesleyan, and will enter upon his new duties at the beginning of the next college year. It says: "The new president is a leader among Western Methodists and is not wholly unknown in the east. He is about 40 years old and for several years has been president of Lawrence University, at Appleton, Wis. Those who know Dr. Raymond best have given him the warmest endorsement. Personally he is said to be a man whom student and faculty 'tie up to,' genial, sympathetic, generous and able to gain the good will of all without sacrificing his dignity. His administrative abilities are said to be marked; he has tact and energy and is always ready in an emergency. For his scholarship much is claimed. His study has been profound; he has a remarkable grasp and strength of thought, and in his special branch is said to be the most able instructor in the West.
