
Statistics About Yale Freshmen.

The result of a series of measurements made by Dr. Sever, show that the physical development of the Yale freshmen is excellent. There is a marked absence of men who are under or over developed. There are 326 men in the College and Sheffield School, a considerable increase over last year. Only 17 per cent, of the freshmen use tobacco, while 25 per cent. of the Sheffield men smoke. The heaviest man in the class of '92 weighs 200 pounds, against 192 1-2 pounds in '91 last year. The lightest man weighs 86 1-2 pounds. The tallest man is 6 ft., 1 5-8 in.; the shortest man, 4 ft., 9 5-8 in., which is about three-fourths of an inch less than the corresponding measurement in '91, and is probably the shortest measurement recorded in several years. The oldest is 26 years and 6 months, against 25 years and 8 months last year. The youngest man is 16 years and 2 months. The average age of the class is 18 years, 8 months and 26 days.

Fifty-one per cent. of the class are below the average height, which is 5 feet 7 4-5 inches. The sons of merchants are most numerous, being 39 in number, the sons of lawyers come next with 35; then come in order the sons of manufacturers, clergymen, farmers, bankers and brokers, and last the sons of mechanics.
