The annual course of lectures at Vassar College promises to be unusually good this year. Besides weekly illustrated lectures on the "History of Art" by Prof. Van Ingen, director of the School of Painting, and the first of a series of lectures and concerts under the management of Dr. Ritter, director of the School of Music, lectures on the following subjects have been given: "Alexander Hamilton," by President Backus, of Packer Institute; "The Heroic Element in History" and "The Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Day," by Dr. George P. Fisher, of Yale; "The Lotus in the Decorative Art," by Mr. William H. Goodyear, "The Hope of the Prisoner," by Mr. Wm. M. T. Round; "Charity Organization Societies," by the Hon. Seth Low; "A Plea for the Downtrodden People," by the Indian Princess Vuoqua, "Simplicity," by Mr. Charles Dudley Warner.
A course of fortnightly lectures on "The Prophetic Element in the Old Testament," by Dr. William R. Harper of Yale has awakened a new interest in Bible study.
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