The Christmas recess ends on the night of the second of January, 1889.
The double narrative theme in English B is due today before 1 o'clock.
There will be a lecture in Chemistry III, on Friday, January 4th, at 12 o'clock.
Professor Francis G. Peabody will conduct the service at Appleton Chapel tomorrow evening.
The first scientific game of foot-ball ever played in North Carolina was between the University of North Carolina and Trinity College, on Thanksgiving day.
There is a movement among the students of the University of Pennsylvania to start a new college weekly, a prominent feature of which will be special correspondence from the leading colleges.
All men in college who sing either tenor or base, and would like to sing in the chapel choir on Sunday evening and also on Christmas day, are requested to attend a rehearsal this morning at 9 o'clock at the chapel.
Cardinal Gibbons announces that over $8, 000, 000 have been collected for the new Catholic university at Washington. Several buildings are in process of erection. The cardinal and the American bishops have requested the concession of academic privilege to the university from the Pope and have asked his approval of its statutes.
Dr. M. H. Richardson has been giving the lectures in practical anatomy at the Medical School this week on account of the illness of Dr. Thomas Dwight, who hopes to be able to resume his duties after the holidays.
Two more games have been played in the final round of the chess tournament. They resulted in a victory for Sturgis over Webster, and a draw between Sturgis and Taussig. The remaining games will be played off immediately after the recess.
The international cricket match committee of Philadelphia has sent out circulars to some twenty of the leading local players asking whether, if chosen, they would be able to take the trip to England next summer on the team which is to represent Philadelphia in the old country. Amongst the number is R. D. Brown, '90.
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