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To-morrow the Glee and Banjo clubs leave Cambridge for their western trip. It was only by the most persistent efforts that the faculty finally gave their consent to the trip, and even then with some misgivings. We feel certain that the confidence reposed in the members of the clubs will not in any way be abused, and that the organization which will represent Harvard during the holidays will reflect credit upon the college. The trip of the Glee Club will do much to bind those graduates, who live too far away to be present at any of our athletic contests, still closer to their alma mater. The reunion of Harvard men, old and young, is always pleasant, and the Harvard clubs of the cities in which concerts are to be given have done all in their power to make the visit of the Glee Club agreeable. The Glee and Banjo clubs have the brightest prospects before them, and we trust that no incident will occur to mar the pleasure of their trip. In this hope we wish the organization a merry Christmas and the best of success.
