
Fact and Rumor.

There will be no meeting of the Signet this evening.

There will be no recitation in Fine Arts 3, on Saturday.

There will be hour examinations in Physics and N. H. 4 today.

Managers of the nine have been elected at Phillips Andover as follows: Churchill, Emerson, Parsons.

The humorist "Eli Perkins" delivered a lecture at Boston University on the "Philosophy of Wit and Humor," on Thursday evening.


There will be a Christmas service in the Divinity School Chapel this evening, at 7.30 p. m. Mr. Paul R. Frothingham will preach the sermon.

The Argus, the Dartmouth annual, has just been published. It contains full-page heliotropes of the eleven, of the glee club, and of the board of editors.

An '89, man had a narrow escape from drowning Wednesday afternoon while skating on Glacialis. He broke through the ice but managed to get out with no more serious injury than a chilly bath. Five other students had the same experience yesterday afternoon.

Mr. John Fiske, of Cambridge, lectured recently at Wesleyan of Nation Building." The Wesleyan Argus announce the lecturer as "Prof. John Fiske, of Harvard."

Congress has passed a bill incorporating the American Historical Society. Among the founders of the association are Mr. Justin Windsor of Harvard, ex-president A. D. White of Cornell, and the Hon. George Bancroft.

Professor Norton asks us to say that he will be at home on Monday evening (Christmas Eve), from eight to ten o'clock, and will be happy to receive any members of the University who may not have nay other engagement.

In a recent article on smoking in the colleges, Dr. A. H. Quint of Boston de cries the prevalence of the practice among college men. At Dartmouth, of which Dr. Quint makes particular mention, holders of scholarships are not allowed to smoke-first, because the habit is considered injurious to the student; and, second, because it is not well to teach men who need help in their education to consume their substance in smoke.

Cornell University has filed an appeal to the United States Supreme Court from the recent decision of the Court of Appeals forfeiting the McGraw bequest of $1, 500, 000. The case will be brought in October, 1889. The ground of the appeal is stated to be that the State of New York holds in trust the proceeds upon which the university was founded, and which were given by the nation to the state. If this is the case, the university is not absolute owner of the property, but merely a beneficiary, and the charter limit of $3, 000, 000 will admit of the reception of the McGraw bequest.

In Owing for January, a worthy holiday number of the magazine, will be published the following principal articles: "Among the Taurus Mountains," by L. B. Platt; "Mask and Foil for Ladies." by Charles E. Clay; "Fast Ice Yachts," by Col. Chas. H. Norton; the "Lake Champlain Yacht Club," by Fred. G. Mather, and "Hints to Football Captains," by Walter C. Camp. In addition to these are the concluding installments of two excellent papers, the first of the series on "American College Athletics," Harvard University, by J. Mott Hallowell, and "Sport-Past, Present and Future," by Alex. Hunter.
