
The Christmas Tour of the Glee and Banjo Clubs.

The arrangements for the western tour of the Glee and Banjo Clubs have been almost completed. From the multitude of details, we have selected the following for the information of our readers: -

The clubs will leave Boston for New York by special car on the Boston and Albany R. R. at 9 o'clock Saturday morning. The first concert of the tour will be given in Chickering Hall, Saturday evening, under the auspices of the Harvard Club of New York. The following ladies have consented to act as patronesses of the concert:- Mrs. F. R. Appleton, Mrs. E. L. Baylies. Mrs. C. C. Beaman, Mrs. W. T. Blodgett, Mrs. Arthur Brooks, Mrs. J. H. Choate, Mrs. E. C. Cowdin, Mrs. Paul Dana, Mrs. William H. Draper, Mrs. T. O. French, Mrs. J. Warren Gardner, Mrs. W. G. Turner, Mrs. R. M. Hunt, Mrs. John Jay, Mrs. Edward King, Mrs. H. S. Leavitt, Mrs. R. B. Minturn, Mrs. J. Pierpont Morgan, Mrs. J. Hampden Robb, Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt, Mrs. John Sherwood, Mrs. Albert Stickney, Mrs. Merritt Trimble, Mrs. Jacob Wendell and Mrs. Robert Winthrop. The Harvard Club will give the members of the visiting clubs a reception after the concert at the clubs house at 11 East Twenty-second street.

The clubs will arrive in Philadelphia at noon on Monday and will stop at the Continental Hotel. The concert in Philadelphia will take place Monday evening. The Rittenhouse Club has kindly given the students the use of their club house during the day.

At eleven o'clock on Christmas day, the clubs will leave Philadelphia for Cincinnati via the Baltimore and Ohio R. R. Two special sleeping cars will be used.

The third concert of the trip will be given in Odeon Hall, Cincinnati, Wednesday evening, under the auspices of the Harvard club of that city. The Glee and Banjo Clubs will be entertained during the evening by the University Club.


The clubs will leave Cincinnati early Thursday morning in a special parlor car on the Ohio and Mississippi R. R. and will arrive at St. Louis at 7 o'clock the same day. They will be guests at the Southern Hotel during their stay in St. Louis. The concert in St. Louis will be given Friday evening in Entertainment Hall. The students have been invited to attend the Imperial ball, one of the great social events of the year, but as they will be compelled to leave St. Louis very soon after the concert, not more than an hour can be passed at the ball. A special train of two sleeping cars and a baggage car will convey the clubs from St. Louis to Chicago. The train will leave St. Louis at midnight Friday, and will arrive in Chicago at 1.30 p. m., Saturday. The last concert of the tour will be given in Central Music Hall, Chicago, Saturday evening. A reception will be given the clubs during their stay in Chicago by Mrs. Wirst Dexter and by the Harvard club.

Sunday afternoon at three o'clock the members of the clubs will take the fast train on the Michigan Central R. R., and return directly to Boston, reaching the city at 10.50 Monday evening. Through special cars from Chicago to Boston will be provided for the clubs.

The travelling and hotel arrangements have been placed wholly in the hands of Raymond and Whitcomb, the celebrated tourist agents of Boston. Mr. George T. Keyes will act as general manager for the two clubs.

A number of strict rules have been adopted by the clubs for the purpose of keeping as perfect discipline as possible during the tour. The clubs will number about forty men. The CRIMSON will publish after the recess, a full account of the tour.
