The German dinner held by the Deutscher Verein on Monday evening at Young's Hotel was a great success. The eighteen members present enjoyed an excellent meal served in Berlin scyle (except for the colored waiters), and were treated in the intervals between the courses and after desert by a rarefeast of reason and flow of soul. Under the eloquent presidency of Mr. Winkler, the following toasts were made and responded to: Conference Francaise and die Schlacht bei Sedan, Mr. Villard; Der Massigkeitsvereinler and seine Stellung zur deutschen Kultur, Mr. Hoffmanu; Die deutsche Gemuthlichkeit, das funfte Temperament, Mr. Bailey; Die deutsche Wurst, ein anatomisches Studium, Mr. Seligsberg; Die deutsche Musikanten also Vertreter due Zukunftsmusik, Mr. Naumburg; Das deutsche Madchen and ibre amerikanische Schwester, Mr. Marcon; Die deutsche Kneipe, die Grundlage deutscher Wissenschaft, Mr. Oaks; Der deutscher Amerikaner, ein ethnologisches Fragezeichen, Mr. Sondheim. As Mr. Francke was unable to be present, the poem which he had written for the occasion was read by Mr. Winkler amid hearty applause. After prolonged jollity and good-fellowship, perhaps not strictly German in its tendencies, the party broke up with three times three for Harvard and the Deutscher Verein.
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General Registration After the Christmas Recess.