TICKETS to all points west and south via the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad may be obtained at the lowest rates of A. J. Simmons, P. and T. A,, 211 Washington street, Boston.
ANYONE desiring an experienced tutor in Mathematics, Chemistry or French, during the Christmas recess, should apply to PERRY LAWTON, '88, 25 Hollis Hall.
63 65 67 69 71 73
TABLE BOARD at No. 10 Remington St. Best of references given. Also a large sunny room to let on the first floor.
TUTORING in the Greek, Latin and German courses.
B. F. HARDING, A. M., Mercer Circle.69.
PHYSICS B, C, and I.- Tutoring in these courses done by
M. L. BRUER, 35 Weld.69 6t.
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