
Princeton Letter.

PRINCETON, N. J., Dec. 15, 1888.- Since our last letter, excitement over this fall's foot-ball contests has died out, and college is at present absorbed in the term examinations. The examinations commenced on Tuesday last and continue until next Wednesday, when the college closes for the holidays. The senior schedule is so arranged that the required studies come first, and the electives follow in the order of the respective size of the classes, thus enabling many of the men to leave college several days in advance.

The Bric-a-Brac, published by the junior class, appeared yesterday. The general opinion is that the committee have done very creditably, and Ninety's paper compares favorably with those of previous years. The cover is very pretty. It is of orange and black, and a large '90 appears on the front. One of the leading features is a cut of the Glee Club, which appears this year for the first time.

It is too early as yet to make any prediction in regard to the base-ball prospects for next spring, but the captain has shown commendable energy in getting his men to work. All candidates for the 'varsity have handed in their names, and practice will commence immediately after the Christmas vacation. King, '89 (captain), Dana, '91, Durell, '89, Ames, '90, Watts, '91, all of last year's nine, are still in college, and will all probably occupy positions on this year's team. There is considerable material among the freshmen, as shown in the class games. Brokaw, '92, who caught last year on the Lawrenceville nine is a prominent candidate for catcher. Brownlee, '89, who caught on the nine during parts of his freshman and sophomore years, is also trying for this place or for one of the bases. Osborne, '90, Knickerbocker, '91, and Hanson, '92, are promising candidates for the infield, and McMillan, '91, for the outfield.

The Glee Club will give up their usual Christmas trip, and will make arrangements instead for a trip during the Easter vacation.

The Dramatic Association did not give a play this term, but will probably present two some time during the winter term.


The classes have all elected their several orators and debaters for Washington's Birthday, and '89 has elected her officers for class day. Speer, Bovaird, and George, of this year's eleven, all received appointments-Speer as class orator, Bovaird as president, and George as master of ceremonies.

Princeton's new magazine, the Princeton College Bulletin, will be entirely under the control of the faculty.

