

WILL the person who took an umbrella by mistake at Leavitt and Peirce's please leave it there and get his own?

FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- Business meeting and rehearsal to-night at 7 o'clock in L. S. S. Please bring Harvard Song Book.

J. C. HUBBARD, Sec.THE members of the "Amateurs" can get their pictures of the manager to-day between 9-10 or 1.30-2.

H. P. C.- The Christmas theatricals of the Hasty Pudding Club will take place at the Club House on Holyoke street, on Tuesday, Dec. 18, at 8 p. m. All graduate members are cordially invited.

COMMITTEE.PACH BROS. have been appointed class photographers for '89. Seniors will please make appointments for sitings at the studio at their earliest convenience, as it is very desirable to have the work done as soon as possible.


PHOTO COM.[Additional Notices on Fourth Page.]
