
Fact and Rumor.

There will be no lecture in History 20 f next Saturday.

The tabular view of the recitations for 1888-89 has been issued.

The recess at Tufts begins next Wednesday and ends the day after New Years.

There are a number of good seats for the Glee Club-Pierian concert still unsold at Sever's.

Blue books for the hour examination in English 7 next Thursday must be handed in today.


Mrs. T. Merrick, for many years professor of mathematics at Vassar College, died at Holyoke on Saturday.

J. B. Reynolds, Dartmouth '90, and M. P. Thompson, '92, have been elected assistant editors of the Dartmouth.

This year the Christmas vacation begins on the 22d (Saturday), at 1 p. m., and ends on the night of the 2d of January, 1889.

The only game finished as yet in the final round of the chess tournament resulted in a victory for Webster over R. D. Brown.

Freshmen, special students and upper-classmen admitted to advanced standing this year, may procure copies of the Regulations in University 2, ground floor, this afternoon between 4 and 5 o'clock.

A recent Harvard graduate under the nom de plume of Remington Bramwell, has translated "One of the Forty" from the French of Alphonse Daudet. The book has just been published by the continental corporation of St. Louis, and will be for sale at Cambridge within a week.

At the meeting of the Y. M. C. A. in Boston, Sunday afternoon, addresses were made by students from Boston University and the Institute of Technology. Charles Eastman, a Sioux Indian, who is studying at the Boston University Medical School, was one of the speakers.

The library books reserved by the Harvard Union for the debate to-morrow evening were taken from the shelves last week by mistake. Reference books may be found on the English 6 shelves at present, as the debate in that course will be on the same subject as the Union debate-"Woman's Suffrage."

It is desired that students who attend the college conference meetings will adopt the practice of asking questions of the speaker for the evening. The subject for discussion this evening is one that can be fully brought out only by questions and replies. Mr. Brooks will be glad to notice all questions that may be asked him.

Specimens of Theme IV. will be read and discussed in English B today. Theme V., a narrative, will be due today. At the same time Theme III., corrected or rewritten, is to be returned to the instructors. The Theme, of not less than fifteen hundred words, which may be substituted for Themes V. and VI., will be due on December 22, at 1 o'clock.

There will be no freshman class in heavy gymnastics at the Yale gymnasium this winter. but only in club swinging. The men are divided into four groups which exercise twice a week for twenty weeks; at the end of that time an examination on the work of the term will be held, which all will be required to pass. Candidates for university or freshman teams are excused from the club-swinging.
