The President's report will be out in a few days.
The Christmas recess at Amherst will last from December 18 to January 10.
H. A. Smith has been re-elected captain of the Amherst foot-ball eleven.
C. L. Gibson, M. S., has been appointed medical house officer of the City Hospital.
F. B. Malloy, third class, has been chosen assistant house surgeon of the Boston City Hospital.
The Alumni Association of Columbia College held their annual dinner last Thursday night.
The janitor of one of the dormitories at Yale has been convicted of petty thieving and discharged.
During the short afternoons of the next few weeks, reserved books may be taken from the library at 3.30 p. m.
A fifteen-page theme will be due in French 6 immediately after the mid years. The subject is to be a literary study of some mediaval chanson de qeste.
Mr. L. F. Forrest, third class, has been appointed junior house officer at the Boston Lying-in Hospital.
Cards are out for the marriage of Miss Pitkin of Philadelphia, and Mr. Charies Eliot, '82, eldest son of President Eliot.
Tickets for the concert of the Glee and Banjo Clubs at Chickering Hall in New York next Saturday may now be obtained at Leavitt and Peirce's. No seats have been reserved. The price of tickets is one dollar.
The dinner of the Delta Kappa Epsilon Society, at the New York club rooms last Friday, was attended by representatives from nearly every college in the country. The Yale Glee Club was present.
The Deutscher Verein will have a typically German dinner at the Hotel Victoria this evening. Dr. Francke will not be able to attend, but an excellent German poem which he has written for the occasion will be read.
It is proposed to give a complimentary dinner soon to Professor Lovering in honor of his election as professor emeritus and of his service of fifty years as full professor in the university. The committee in charge consists of Mr. Justin Winsor and Professors Agassiz and Trowbridge.
At the games of the Manhattan Club at New York on Saturday, J. S. Mitchell threw the 56-pound weight 15 feet into the air, breaking the record by 1 ft. 3 in. In putting the 24-pound shot, J. S. Mitchell tied with F. Lambrecht, both covering a distance of 32 ft. 7 in. The best previous record was 25 ft. 7 in. in America and 27 ft. 11 in. in England.
E. S Nevins, '90, of Orange, N. J., a student at Cornell, lost his life on Thursday last in an attempt to save a young lady from drowning. The young lady broke through the ice while skating, and Nevins sprung in to rescue her. It is thought that she clasped him so as to impede his movements, for though an expert swimmer. he soon sank. His body was recovered in about twenty minutes, but several hours' work with electrical and other applications produced no effect. The young lady's body was recovered later. This is the third drowning accident at Cornell in nine months.
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Concert at Arlington.