Encouraged by the success of the road-race with Technology last week, the Bicycle Club has decided to challenge the Yale club to a similar race next spring. If the plan is carried out it will add another to the list of championship contests between Yale and Harvard. Of course it will be impossible to arouse as general an interest in bicycling as exists in foot-ball, base-ball, or rowing, but a race like the one proposed will tend to lift bicycling from the comparatively insignificant place it now holds as a college sport. Yale has many good riders, and the race would probably be very closely contested.
There is another important consideration. The prospect of representing Harvard in a race with Yale would undoubtedly bring out many new riders to train on the track for the spring games. This would greatly increase Harvard's chance of winning the twomile race at Mott Haven. On the whole the idea is a good one, and we hope Yale will accept the challenge. The Bicycle Club is now one of the most flourishing of its kind in the university. Its management certainly deserves credit for the energy displayed in endeavoring to carry out so important an innovation.
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