
Fact and Rumor.

A cello quartette has recently been formed at Yale.

A new special report, due Feb. 1, has been assigned in History 13.

Class-day officers have been elected by the seniors of the Phillips Exeter Academy.

Greek 3, section 1; hour examination Monday, December 17, in Sever 29, at 2 o'clock.

A new library costing $150,000, has lately been donated to the University of Vermont.


Members of Engineering 4 are prospecting for a railroad between Cambridge and Watertown.

G. R. Payson, jr., J. M. Howells and E. B. Walker have been elected regular members of the Banjo Club.

It is improbable that Prof. Norton will allow the men taking Fine Arts 3 as an extra to take any of the examinations.

E. S. Bacon, M. S., read an essay on "Curvature of the Spine" at the meeting of the Medical Society yesterday afternoon.

There will be no symphony concert by the Boston Symphony Orchestra this evening, as Mr. Gericke and his musicians are now engaged in giving a series of concerts at New York, Philadelphia and Washington.

Chief Justice Fuller has accepted his election to honorary membership in the Choate Chapter of the Phi Delta Phi legal fraternity.

There will be a handicap tug-of-war contest at the twelfth annual meeting of the Manhattan Athletic Club which is to be held today.

Last evening the Technology Cadets, in full uniform, visited the Boston Museum to see Mr. Bronson Howard's new play, "Shenandoah."

The class of '89 at Yale have set out an elm tree between Dwight and Alumni Halls. A dedicatory speech was made by R. J. Luce of the senior class.

It is said that Stagg refused a salary of $4,000, offered by the New York Athletic Association, in order to accept the general secretaryship of the Y. M. C. A. of Yale College.
