

Editors Daily Crimson:

Now that the concert of the Glee Club and Pierian Sodality is near at hand, I beg leave to offer through your columns, a suggestion to the managers of those clubs. It is a pity that these enjoyable and successful concerts should be anticlimaxed, so to speak, by the careless management of the dancing in Memorial Hall. While we hear nothing but praise of the concert itself, there is many a grumble audible about the poor music and the crowded floor in Memorial. These Glee Club dances are the only Harvard dances we have except at Class Day. They take the place of the junior promenades and senior germans at other colleges. Care ought to be taken, then, that they should be worthy of the two clubs that have them in charge, and of the college. It is a shame that the many young ladies who come from long distances for these concerts and our friends nearer at hand who turn out in such flattering numbers, should have their delight marred by anything second rate. Without essentially changing the nature of the dance, two improvements can be easily made. First, for twenty-five dollars more than is now paid, the best dance orchestra in Boston can be secured. Thus the complaints about the music can be answered. Second, the crowd must be kept back so that the dancers may have more room. As it is now the spectators keep eagerly pushing to the front until they work their way nearly half way down the hall, leaving a large empty space behind them. If a double or triple line of benches or chairs fastened firmly together were placed at a convenient distance from the door, the crowd would be stayed. These seats, which would be quickly filled, would make a barrier not easily to be pushed forward. There should be, of course, plenty of chairs along the sides of the Hall for the dancers and their chaperons.

Let these improvements be made, whether in the manner suggested, or in any other way; for by no simpler or easier means can the pleasure of the dance be increased than by better music and more room.

