
The Vesper Service Yesterday Afternoon.

Dr. William Lawrence and Dr. F. G. Peabody conducted the weekly vesper service in Appleton Chapel yesterday afternoon. The pews were well filled with students and with Cambridge people.

The service was opened with Le Jenne's hymn "Jerusalem, the Golden," sung by the choir. After prayer by Dr. Peabody and the reading of Psalm CXLV, the anthem "O Clap Your Hands," was rendered.

Dr. Lawrence then made a short address, pointing out that the value of the Christian church is not in the fact that it acts often as a sort of moral police, but rather because its true object is to bring to light the truth. The church has more than once adopted the spirit of condemnation and has failed; the spirit of approval of things that are excellent can alone give permanent strength to Christian organization. The service closed with the singing of Pflenger's anthem, "How long wilt thou forget me, O Lord."
