ANYONE desiring an experienced tutor in Mathematics, Chemistry or French, during the Christmas recess, should apply to PERRY LAWTON, '88, 63 65 67 69 71 73 25 Hollis Hall.
ON and after Monday, Dec. 17, we shall have on sale at room at No. 15 Hollis Hall, round trip railroad tickets at reduced rates to all important Western points. We represent the Boston and Albany R. R., and shall be pleased to give any information desired and to secure berths in advance.
FORSALE.- A highly bred, thoroughly broken Irish Setter Dog. One of the best in the country. Price $75. Apply to J. N. TAYLOR, Sporting Editor Boston Globe.
NOTES in Pol. Econ. 4 are ready for sale at my room, the Co-operative, and Sever's. Price $1.00. Also tutoring in Physics B and C.
M. L. BRUUER, 35 Weld.63 2t
POLITICAL ECONOMY I.- I.- A Synopsis of Mill is for sale at Wm. H. Wheeler's, 416 Harvard street. It is intended to take the place of the text-book in grinding for the examination, and contains in condensed form, all the work of the first half-year. The appendix contains the recent examination papers of the course. 63 6t
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