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We wish to urge upon the athletic association the need of taking immediate steps for holding weekly contests in jumping, pole vaulting, and the tug-of-war in the gymnasium during the next term. As out-door exercise is practically out of the question during the winter months, the gymnasium should be used by the candidates for the Mott Haven team to the best advantage. The special contests to which we refer were held Thursday evenings last year, and contributed in no small degree to the success of the Mott Haven team last spring. Prizes should be offered to the men showing the most progress in each of the different events during the successive trials. In this way more candidates will be brought out than if a prize were offered to the man making the best record, for against one or two old members of the Mott Haven team, the new candidates would have no chance. Certainly no complaint can be made of lack of interest in these contests, for last year there was always a crowd of men on hand in the gymnasium to watch the contestants. These contests would also tend to improve the general standard of work done at the winter meetings-in fact would be the best preliminary training for those preparing to enter the winter meetings. The athletic association ought this year to take "time by the fore lock" and have everything ready for a prompt start early in the next term.
