
Eastern Intercollegiate FootBall Association.

The annual fall convention of the Eastern Intercollegiate FootBall Association was held at Springfield last Friday night. Technology, Amherst, Stevens Institute, Dartmouth and Williams sent delegates, and the first matter taken up was the protested Technology-Stevens game. After considering the case, the convention refused to allow the protest, and awarded the game to Technology as played. According to the constitution of the association, no championship can be awarded in case two or more teams are tied for first place. As Technology and Dartmouth could not under any considerations play off the tie for first place, the convention could not award the championship. However, to avoid any future occurrence of this kind, the convention amended the constitution so that in the case of two or more teams tieing for first place, the championship shall be held by the champions of the previous year.

At the close of the convention, the following were elected officers of the association for the ensuing year: Merrill, of Technology, president; Beecher, of Dartmouth, vice-president; Hopkins of Williams, secretary; and Smith, of Amherst, treasurer.
