Lost.- Will the gentleman who by mistake took a light brown overcoat from Memorial Tuesday night please return it to Table 28, or leave it with the auditor.
Lost-A card case containing a small sum of money and papers valuable only to the owner. Finder please leave at Leavitt and Peirce's.
The following men who are to act as ushers in today's game will please meet at 14 Hilton's Block at 12 o'clock today: Cady, Duane, Kidder, Lamont, Lockett, R. R. Perry, Rantoul, Wattress.
J. SMITH, Mang'r.All men wishing to try for the Sophomore crew please be at the Gym. at 4 p. m. Monday.
E. C. HAMMOND.DAILY CRIMSON.- There are several old files of the CRIMSON for sale, $3.50 each, at McNamee's, 418 Harvard street.
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