In order to enable the board of overseers to find out the feeling of the college with regard to certain new regulations which the board was consi ering, a sub-committee on the government of college affairs was appointed to confer with the undergraduate committee consisting of the four class presidents. The conference showed the need of consulting a representative student body before taking action on any new plan of government, for several schemes of rigorous college discipline were brought up, the folly of which was soon made evident. Had the overseers taken this step of consulting the student's ideas and wishes on college discipline before, they would never have made the silly suggestions of a week or so ago. Overseers and students rarely see the same question in the same light; and an exchange and comparison of views cannot help clearing hazy and perhaps fallacious ideas on each side. We should strongly urge that hereafter the overseers consult some representative student committee before attempting to introduce any radical change in college government, however wise such a step may seem to them.
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