
Harvard Men at the Berkeley, N. Y., Bicycle Races.

At the Berkeley A. A. races, Harvard was represented by Davis, '91, Brown, '91, and Greenleaf, '92. In the halfmile open, there were but three starters out of sixteen entries. Brown, of Harvard, took third place.

The mile road race was won easily by Davis, of Harvard, in 3 minutes, 24 seconds.

The two-mile intercollegiate was contested by the three Harvard men and Gubelman of Stevens Institute. It was won by Brown, Davis, 2nd, by a length, and Greenleaf, 3rd, by three feet. In justice to Greenleaf, if should be said that through the fault of the railroad employees, his wheel was left behind and he had to ride a machine to which he was unaccustomed.

The mile tricycle race was won by Davis, in 3 minutes, 45 seconds.

The day was fine, but the track was in poor condition. In the first event of the day, the mile handicap, there were twenty starters; on the third lap eight of these fell in a heap, but for tunately no one was badly hurt.

