The Amateur Athletic Union will hold its first championship in-door meeting of this season on Wednesday evening, November 21st in Madison Square Garden, at the corner of Twenty-sixth street and Madison Avenue, New York. The meeting will be open to all who signify their desire to take part, and who send their entrance fee of one dollar for each event to Otto Ruhl, Secretary of the A. A. U., No. 104 West Fifty-fifth street, New York, before the 14th of November. For each event there will be three prizes consisting of gold, silver or bronze medals. The events are as follows: 75-yards dash, 150-yards run, 300-yards run, 600-yards run, 1000-yards run, 2-mile run, quarter-mile walk, 4-mile walk, 200-yards hurdle race (12 hurdles, 2 ft. 6 in. high), one standing broad jump, three standing broad jumps, running hop, skip and jump, standing high jump, throwing 56-pound weight (thrown for height), kicking foot-ball (place kick), putting 24-pound shot, pole vaulting for distance.
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The Stoics and St. Paul.