
The Quarterly Journal of Economics.

The Quarterly Journal of Economics, the October number of which has just appeared, enters upon its third year. The leading article, by Mr. James Bonar, of London, is an able discussion upon the views of the leading Austrian economists whose doctrine is really that of final utility. The article is interesting, aside from the attractive way in which it is written, as showing the attitude of deep thinkers on economics. Professor Dunbar has an extremely interesting and instructive article upon the economic plans of Alexander Hamilton, the refunding of the Revolutionary debt, the National Bank system, and the sinking fund. Mr. Stuart Wood follows with a new view of the theory of wages. The most interesting paper of the number is Mr. Power's article on Victoria and New South Wales, the one a protectionist and the other a free trade colony. The number is closed by editorial notes and some attractiv memoranda which are very good reading.
