TUTORING in Phil. XI, Hist. 12, Pol. Econ. I and IV. W. ALEXANDER, 24 Reed's Block. o30-6t
HARVARD Banjo Club rehearsals this week Tuesday and Wednesday at 7 p. m.
HARVARD BICYCLE CLUB. The annual handicap road race will be held on Thursday Nov. 8, starting from the gymnasium at 4, 15. There will be a run over the course Tuesday afternoon starting from University at 4 p. m.
G. H. MERRILL, Capt.THE Chess and Whist Club will meet this evening at 7.30 o'clock in 25 Stoughton Hall.
ROB'T W. HERRICK, Sec'y.THERE will be no game with Technology this afternoon.
B. C. WELD.H. U. F. B. A. Tickets for the Wesleyan game will be on sale at Leavitt and Pierce's this evening. No section will be especially reserved for season tickets-holders, but reserved seats can be had on application. Seats will be reserved in sections.
B. C. WELD, M'g'r.ST, PAUL'S SOCIETY. Informal reception this evening at 8 o'clock in Beck 26. All come. No cards have been sent.
C. G. PAGE, Sec.
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Harvard Gun Club.