The first of Professor Toy's four lectures on "Moslum Civilization" takes place in Boylston Hall tonight. A prevailing fault among the students here is that too little attention is paid to lectures given especially to their benefit and that only when some distinguished visitor speaks do they show their approbation by a good attendance. If Professor Toy were a member of some college other than our own, his reputation as a scholar and a traveller would undoubtedly bring out a large attendance, but the fact of his connection with the college means to a number of men that as they can see and hear him at almost any time, there is but little use in going to his lecture. If there is anyone who, by thorough investigation and close study can handle the topic of "Mohammed and the Koran" in a masterly way, it is Professor Toy, and those who hear him will certainly be treated to an entertaining and instructive talk.
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