The meeting of the Harvard Republican Club was held last evening in Tremont Temple and was a most enthusiastic expression of political opinion.
Within fifteen minutes after the doors were opened there was not an unreserved seat to be had. Long before the appointed hour a large and almost uncontrollable crowd had gathered in the street and had also filled the Meionaon where an overflow meeting was held which was addressed by Col. N. P. Hallowell. Col. W. W. Russell, of South Carolina and Dr. E. E. Hale.
The meeting was opened by Boyden L. S., who was cheered loudly. He stated that the object of the meeting was to show the error of the impression which the recent Independent meeting had caused with regard to the political condition of Harvard. He in troduced Dr. E. E. Hale as one who was near to every Harvard heart, who opened with a stirring speech in which he described the patriot men whom Harvard had educated and the patriot ideas which they have always entertained.
He called upon Mr. Boyden to read the list of vice-presidents in order to show what men were represented by this meeting. Judge Rockwell Hoar was then introduced who made a convincing speech. He as an old Harvard graduate thought that if Harvard professors taught free trade, in the abstract they were right, but since in this country we are confronted by necessity, we have to consider in what manner we may best support ourselves in the contest for a living.
Mr. Cleveland has stood openly on the side of free trade and the speaker questioned whether he had been the clean, non-partisan president which he had promised to be.
Gov. Robinson was the next speaker. In opening, he welcomed the Republican Club of Harvard and stated that as this is a govenment of the majority, those who had spoken at the recent meeting ought to seek other platforms and endeavor to correct the false impression which they had carried abroad. In Harvard he had learned that protection was the one sound basis of government in this Common-wealth. Harvard had always been for the masses and when the old college ceases to be on the side of the common people, then she ceases to support those principles for which she was founded. The Republican Party is not a free whiskey party nor is its tariff principles the favorite one in England. The Mills bill is for free trade while the senate bill is clearly for protection. This crisis is the most important since the war, and whatever is the result of the election, its decision will go on for many years to come.
Dr. Hale read a letter from Mr. J. G. Whittier declaring the Republican Party to be a necessity to the welfare of the country.
Gen. N. P. Hallowell was then introduced. He said that our entire political fabric rests upon the ballot box, and when that is corrupted the beginning of the end of a Republican form of government is in sight.
A letter was read from Theo. Roose. Velt stating that as a Republican he was glad to have Harvard show itself in such a meeting.
Senator Hoar followed. His speech was brilliant. He welcomed the learning and scholarship of the country to share in its government, and felt it a sad thing when such men held aloof from their duty. He spoke of the graduates whose pictures hang in Harvard's halls, and described what their feelings would be on such an occasion as the coming election day. He eloquently outlined the character of the candidates and drew a graphic comparison, being continually interrupted by cheers.
Henry Cabot Lodge spoke eloquently of Harvard and Harvard's name. We are not here to assert that we are the only representatives of Harvard, but to correct the false impression of the Independent meeting. The college is not the property of any one, but is devoted to the truth alone. Rich, of the Law school, spoke at length, stating the proportion of protectionists in college compared well with the free traders. The meeting ended with a stirring speech by Gov. Long.
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