
Special Notices.

THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS to let at 69 Brattle street. o16 1m

TUTORING, Philosophy XI. History

XIi. W. W. NOLEN, 6 Little's Block.6t 31

A DESIRABLE ROOM facing south and east can be had at 18 Prescott street. o20 6t eod

PROF. CASTRONI has been appointe fencing master at the Gymnasium. He will occupy the fencing room in the Gymnasium. Satisfaction is guaranteed. o24


SHORTHAND.- All who desire to join a class for the study of Shorthand are requested to sign book at Bartlett's drug store. S. G. GREENWOOD, Principal "Greenwood Finishing School of Shorthand and Type-Writing, " 61 Court street, Boston, Mass.

DAILY CRIMSON.- There are several old files of the CRIMSON for sale, $3.50 each, at McNamee's, 418 Harvard street.

TUTORING in Phil. XI, Hist. 12, Pol. Econ. I and IV. W. ALEXANDER, 24 Reed's Block. o30-6t

Call on Mr. G. H. Papazian, at 4 Divinity Avenue, any time, and obtain interesting Turkish articles of usefulness at a bargain. n2-6t

HIGHEST PRICES PAID for cast off clothing. We make a specialty of cleaning, repairing, pressing and dyeing all kinds of Gents' Clothing. Call or send postal to 465 Main St., Cambridgeport.

WILLIAM H. BROWN.oct16 eod

MRS. E. L. METCALF, No. 18 Prescott street, would like to provide tables for two private clubs of six members each, and one table for twelve persons not forming a club. Refers by permission to Prof. C. F. Dunbar and Rev. Edward H. Hall. o22 6t eod

SPARRING LESSONS.- Edw. J. Ferris has opened his sparring rooms in Brewer's Block, Brattle St., cor. of Palmer. Hours from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. o9-1m

FINE ARTS 3. Reber's Ancient Art now ready at SEVER'S.

TO LET. Suite of rooms 11 Shepherd Block, 29 Holyoke street. Newly papered and painted. Apply to janitor on premises or to Joshua Whitmarsh, 7 Holworthy. 6teod33

FOR SALE, A handsome bull-terrier bitch. Apply to P. H. Sullivan at McNamee's bindery, 418 Harvard St., between 7 and 11 a. m. and 1 and 5 p. m.

THE places to 'Rah for Harvard on election night will be at Music Hall and Tremont Temple. Seats are selling rapidly for the official returns and other entertainment.
