

Deutscher Verein.- Important meeting to-night in Hollis 16 at half past seven.

R. HOFFMANN, Sec'y.Conference Francaise.- There will be a meeting of the society this evening at 7.30.

CHARLES COPELAND, Secretary.The date of the senior class dinner has been changed to Wednesday, Dec. 12th. Please sign the book at once. COM.

English B.- Specimens of them 3 will be read and discussed in Sever 11, on Tuesday, Nov. 27, at 2 o'clock. Theme 4, a summary, will be due on Tuesday, December 4. Notes of subject for theme 4 will be due on Tuesday, Nov. 27.

The Harvard Amateurs will be photographed by McCormick today at 1.45 p. m. The following men will meet at Bartlett's to take the 1 o'clock car: Burnham, Duncan, Wells, Healey, Endicott, Henshaw, Beckwith, Freeman, Hunt, Pinkham, Cummings, Walker, Keene, Merrill. Either wear or carry uniforms.


A. E. BECKWITH, Manager.
