But five days remain for the freshman eleven to prepare for the contest with Yale, but the time, short as it is, is valuable, and must be employed to the utmost. The sudden storm that has come upon us must of necessity retard the out-door work somewhat; but this obstacle will doubtless be removed in a day or so. In the meantime the freshmen must keep up their training, either by gymnasium practice or other work.
For the two years past the Harvard freshmen teams have beaten the Yale elevens, once at Cambridge, and once at New Haven. The team this year has the advantage of playing on its own grounds, which is one reason at least why it should be victorious. The contest is more than a class contest; it represents in a way the college itself, and this is the is the strongest reason why the freshmen should make every effort to win it. We urge the team to improve every hour of the time that remains, and we wish the best success in the contest next Saturday.
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