
The Football Situation.

As may be seen from the following extract from yesterday's Globe, the Yale-Princeton game will probably take place in New York next Saturday:

"As soon as Princeton learned that Harvard could not play at New York on Thanksgiving, the Princeton men proposed that Yale and Princeton change their date to Thanksgiving day. Yale readily agreed to this, and the Princeton faculty acquiesced in the change. The Princeton men held a conference today and voted not to play Yale on Thanksgiving day at all, but to hold Yale to the original schedule of November 24."

As for the Harvard-Yale game, the question now seems to be not when and where it shall be played, but whether it is to be played at all. The Yale management insist on holding strictly to the letter of the constitution of the association, which provides that the elevens holding first and second place shall play in N. Y. Thanksgiving day. Yale has not only not offered to play anywhere else,-Cambridge, New Haven or any other place-but insists that the Harvard team must meet the Yale eleven at New York on Thanksgiving or the game will be forfeited to Yale. The Yale management has taken this stand with the full knowledge that the Harvard team will be unable to play at the time and place scheduled on account of the interdict of the Athletic Committee; and either vainly hopes (which is not likely) that this interdict will be withdrawn, or else boldly declares the intention of the Yale eleven to struggle for the championship by whatever means it may. honorable or otherwise.
