
Recent Acquisition in the Library.

During the past five years about ten thousand books have been received by the authorities of the library annually. From this vast number only one half has been purchased, the other half being donated by publishing houses and private individuals in this country and abroad. Often a single book is presented, and it is not a rare occurrence when whole libraries are given. Within a few months, Mr. Winsor has been the recipient, for the University, of two large collections of very great value. The Hon. Samuel A. Green, of the class of '51, has just given six hundred books of Greek and Latin classics. The majority of the books are old editions. All are in excellent condition, and the duplicates will be useful for exchange. Mr. Green has for many years been in the habit of presenting books to the library, but this gift quite surpasses his former generosity.

Mr. John Harvey Treat, of the class of '62, of Lawrence, has done an inestimable service, by the presentation of a library of eight hundred volumes, on the Fathers of the Church. Mr. Treat has been engaged ever since his college days in forming this collection; and after spending many years, and much money on the task, he turns it over to Harvard. This library is undoubtedly one of the very best of its kind in existence, and will greatly augment the number of books already contained in the department of ecclesiastical history.
