

No Headline

Until abuses are stopped there is no other way than continually to harp upon them, and it is with this in mind that we again call attention to the use of reserved books in the library. Far too often complaints are made that books supposed to be reserved are nowhere to be found. The only legitimate conclusion is that certain unscrupulous students have secreted them for their own personal benefit. No argument, of course, is needed to show the selfishness and injustice of such practices, and yet, after the matter has been repeatedly brought to the notice of the students, the abuse continues. Were not the rules infringed so often the offence might be excused on the ground of thougtlessness, but after so much has been said upon the subject, there is no alternative but sharply to criticise the offenders. The scruples of a gentleman, if nothing else, ought to put a stop to the secreting of reserved books on the part of any student.
