
English 6.

DEBATE OF NOVEMBER 7, 1888.Question: Resolved, That restriction should be imposed on immigration from European countries."

Brief for the Affirmative.F. E. Huntress and G. W. Lee.

Best general reference: Polit. Science Quarterly, March and June, 1888. "Immigration," by Prof. R. M. Smith.

1. Immigrants are not needed. Pol. Scien. Quar., June, 1888, pp. 217-220. (a) The force of unskilled labor is large enough -T. V. Powderly, in N. Am. Rev., Aug., 1888. (b) Immigrants are largely unskilled laborers.-Quar. Journal of Economics, Vov. II, pp., 223-228; N. Am. Rev., January, 1884, pp, 79-81.


2. Immigration does not increase the wealth of the country.- Pol. Sci. Quar., June, 1888, pp. 209-212. (a) The wealth that immigration brings into the country is less than that taken out.- T. V. Powderly, in "Journal of United Labor." (b) The value of the immigrant depends solely on the use that can be made of him.-Pol. Sci. Quar., June, 1888, pp. 218-220.

3. Immigration lowers the standard of living.- Pol. Sci. Quar. June, 1888, pp. 221-225. (a) By cheap labor; (b) by willingness to live in a depraved condition.- T. V. Powderly, in United Labor Journal.

4. Immigrants are a menace to our national institutions, (a) By foreign speech and customs.- J. D. Strong, "Our Country," p. 44. (b) By grouping in isolated bodies. (c) Immigrants are represented by demagogues.

5. Immigration is injurious to the moral condition of the United States. (a) Our work hourses and prisons are filled by those of foreign extraction.- N. Am. Rev., Jan., 1884. (b) They form the liquor power.- J. D. Strong, "Our Country," p. 42; Compendium of the tenth Census, pp. 1373.

6. Immigration can be restricted; (a) by naturalization laws; by laws on immigration.- N. Amer. Rev., Aug. 1888.

Brief for the NegativeC. A. Bunker and E. S. Jellinek.

Best general references: F. Kapp, on Immigration, pp. 142-153; Nation, Vol. XLV, p. 518.

1. Every immigrant is an economic gain to the country.- Kapp on Immigration, pp. 142-153; Westminster Review for October, 1888, article on "International Migration and Political Economy."

2. (a) There is plenty of room for immigrants.- Compendium of Tenth Census, Vol. I, p. 7. (b) Immigration should be diverted from the seaboard to the west and south.- Proceedings of the Immigration Convention of Texas, December, 1887.

3. (a) The character of the immigrants is good.- U. S. Consular Reports for 1887, Vol. LXXVI, pp. 44, 53, 63, 65, 103, 106, 121, 126. (b) There is no popular demand for the restriction of immigration. (c) The agitators for restriction are in the main political demagogues.

4. (a) The measures suggested are vague and impracticable, e. g. Powderley's and Smith's suggestions; Powderly in North American Review for August, 1888; "A Menacing Irruption;" Nation, Vol XLV, pp. 108, 518; New York Post Dec. 24, 1887. (b) The present law on contract labor is easily evaded.
