
Fire in Stoughton.

About ten o'clock Saturday night, a student rooming in the south entry of Stoughton Hall noticed a strong smell of smoke and investigation showed that it came from room 11 occupied by E. S. Grifling and M. A. Kilvert, '89. An alarm was sounded from box 59, which brought several engines and a large crowd to the spot. The door was burst open and the floor was found to be in a blaze. It is probable that coals from the grate fell out upon the floor and burnt a hole through. The fire then crept along under the floor and burst out again in the center of the room. The flames were quickly extinguished by the firemen, acting under the directions of President Eliot. The furniture and books in room 11 were badly scorched and wet. The chief sufferer, however, was Mr. G. W. Sawin who occupies the room below. His carpet, furniture and library, including many valuable books, were ruined by the smoke and water. The loss is difficult to estimate but will be in all over a thousand dollars.
