

THE following men will be on Jarvis at 2.30 sharp, to play the Boston Latin School: Wrenn, Bell, Travis, Hunt, Heard, Draper, Curtis, Chase, Lockett, Neff, Newell, Baker, and Hubbard.

M. F. Brooks, Capt.ENGLISH B.- A talk on reading will be given in Sever 11, on Tuesday, Nov. 20, at 2 o'clock. Theme 4, a summary will be due on Tuesday, December 4.

FOUND.- In Boylston, yesterday, a sum of money. Apply to janitor.

LOST.- A key to a gymnasium locker. Will finder kindly leave at the gymnasium.

S. WELLS, JR.PIERIAN SODALITY. The regular rehearsal will be postponed until next Tuesday night in order to give members an opportunity of going to Princeton.


HARVARD MONTHLY.- All subscribers who have failed to receive either the October or November number will confer a great favor by notifying the undersigned, 26 Stoughton Hall at once.

PHILIP S. ABBOT, Business Manager.
