
NEW HAVEN, Nov. 2, 1887.

Dear Palmer-Your letter concerning the Harvard-Yale game is at hand. We think that the sentiments which you express are reasonable, and both Beecher and myself are ready to agree to them. This is the year when the game would, from the natural rotation be played in New Haven. But it is Yale's preference as well as Harvard's that the game should be played this year in New York. I don't see that this establishes the precedent of playing the game in New York at all. As far as it is in my power to judge, it is Harvard's right next season to have the game played in Cambridge, if it be her preference. I don't believe that Yale will think of such a thing as to demand that it be played either in New York or New Haven; but it will be due in Cambridge next year unless by mutual consent it be played elsewhere. Trusting that this will obviate your difficulty and bring about a speedy arrangement of the game, I am very truly yours, GEORGE M. GILL, Pres. F. B. A, HARRY W. BEECHER, Captain.

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Nov. 14, 1888.

Mr. W. H. Corbin:

Dear Sir-Yale has had sufficient time now to make good her representations of last year, and it is time for Harvard to take a decided stand. We regret that it has been from our side, though not our fault, that this discussion might not have been brought up and settled earlier. Now, however, considering the circumstances under which the game was played last year in New York instead of in New Haven where it was originally arranged, we will state once and for all that we will play Yale this year in Cambridge on Thanksgiving day, and then and there only. We hope you will see the justice of this demand, and that Yale's honor will not permit her to do otherwise than accept. We await an early reply. We remain very respectfully yours.

J. H. SEARS, Captain.B. C. WELD, Manager.B. W. PALMER.

