
Condition of the Yale Eleven.

Yale's first important game, that with Princeton, occurs a week from today. The make-up of the eleven is now pretty well determined. At present it seems probable that the team will be fully as strong as that of last year, all tales to the contrary notwithstanding. All of the men who have been laid up are now at work and the playing has much improved during the past week. Wallace and Stag are now playing ends. This is Wallace's fifth year. Stag is a new man at foot-ball, but is playing very well. Both tacklers, Gill and Rhodes, have been laid up for three weeks but are now playing again though the latter is still lame. Woodruff, contrary to all expectations, has resumed his old place as right guard. The other guard is Heffelfinger, a powerful freshman. Carbin at center completes the rush line. Wurtemburg, as quarter-back is playing almost as well as the famous Beecher. The half-backs will be Graves and McClung, both are playing remarkably well. Bull still fills his old place of full-back and will doubtless take all chances to kick goals from the field. The substantiates are Newell, Harvey, McBride, Pike and Brewster. Most of the men are of medium weight but will depend on their strength and agility to make up for their lightness. They are playing a very similar game to that of last year, a combination of rushing and kicking.
