In another column we publish portions of a long article on "Athletics at Harvard," taken from the Boston Herald. The author of the article is a well known graduate of this college, who, like the great majority of Harvard men is totally disgusted at the phase which athletics have assumed here during the past few years. The successive defeats of Harvard teams are attributed to the intermeddling of the faculty in athletics-an institution which the faculty, in its ill-judged endeavor to remodel and reorganize, has only succeed in working incalculable harm.
Leaving aside the question as to whether the athletic victories of a college draws students within its doors, let us find out the prevailing sentiment of those who have Harvard's best interests near at heart. Graduates and undergraduates, after thoroughly examining why Harvard's crews and teams have been so universally beaten lately, have reached the conclusion that our teams have been handicapped from the outset. What is the ??? of competing with other colleges if we cannot do so on an equal footing? What is the use of awakening vain hopes foredoomed to disappointment? Two plans are suggested by which we may enjoy equal advantages with other colleges, and maintain as high a standard of athletics as we have at present if not a higher one. First, some graduate, who has proved himself a thorough oarsman, should be induced to devote himself entirely to coaching the crew during the spring months. The crew should be placed completely under his control. In the good old days when Harvard used to win some victories with the oar, a Harvard graduate was the only coach for the crew, but because he received compensation for his services, the faculty judged him to be a proof seasonal, and forced upon the boat club his dismissal. This short-sighted policy met with the fate it merited. A regular professional coach was secretly tried, and the result which the faculty most desired to bring about was com palely frustrated.
Secondly, hire some professional base ball trainer for the nine, or at least allow the nine to play with professionals. We have a profess ional trainer for track athletics-the only sport in which Harvard has been almost uniformly successful-why not have one for base-ball? The secrecy which has surrounded the actions of our base-ball teams of late has insidiously brought about many abuses which only openness and frankness in the matter can eradicate.
We believe that the faculty, by the recent appointment of a committee on the regulation of athletics-consisting of three members of the faculty, three graduates and three undergraduates-have now recognized the folly of their position as an inquisitorial body on athletics. This gives the body of students their due share of importance in a question which touches them more nearly than any one else. We further more believe that this committee will do its best to introducer forms greatly needed in our whole athletic system. This the committee can do by exchanging secrecy for openness, by rescinding the edict against professionalism, and by letting the college know who the real coaches and trainers are. Thus they need not force hypocrisy on themselves as well as the college.
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