
Fact and Rumor.

There will be a fast Hare and Hounds run this afternoon, starting from Matthews at 3.15. Davenport and Downs will be the hares.

Grays 52 is to let. Apply at the Bursar's office.

There will be a recitation in German 9 tomorrow.

All Wednesday sections in English A will write in Sever 35.

Twenty-five men have signed to go to Princeton, at Leavitt and Peirce's.


A freshman literary society has been formed at Yale.

The class in Political Economy 1, will meet this morning at 9 o'clock in Mass. 3.

Prof. Royce's third lecture on Forensics will be given Friday, November 16, in Sever 11, at 4 p. m.

A number of lady members of the Riverside Tennis Club of Hoboken, ??. J., have organized a foot-ball team to be composed ??? of ladies.

The Freshman Banjo Club contains at present five members, three banjos and two guitars. E. B. Walker is president and leader. F. W. Johnson, secretary and treasurer.
