German A.- Tutoring for the hour examination.
CLIFFORD H. MOORE. 10 Stoughton.41-2t
ADVOCATE.- Meeting of the editors in 15 Thayer. today, at 1.30 p. m.
C. HUNNEMAN, Sec'y.HASTY PUDDING CLUB.- The first monthly reception to the graduate members will take place at the club house on Holyoke Street, on Friday evening, November 16th at 8 o'clock.
HARVARD GUITAR AND MANDOLIN CLUB.- Very important rehearsal tonight at 7, sharp. Every man must be on hand promptly. Per order.
All the places on the freshman banjo club are not yet filled, and it is hoped that as many as possible will avail themselves of the opportunity offered for another trial at five o'clock this afternoon at 96 Prescott St.
E. B. WALKER, Leader.CONFERENCE FRANCAISE.- There will be a meeting of the society this evening in the old Pudding building.
CHARLES COPELAND, Sec'y.The expense of the trip to Princeton will be about thirteen dollars exclusive of meals. Men will go down by the Fall River line Friday night and return by the 11.30 Shore Line Saturday night. This will give Saturday evening in New York. The times of trains to and from Princeton will be given later. The more men that go the cheaper it will be. Will all who intend to go sign either at Leavitt and Peirce's or at Bartlett's this morning.
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Pennsylvania Game.