
Special Notices.

THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS to let at 69 Brattle street. o16 1m

SPARRING LESSONS.- Edw. J. Ferris has opened his sparring rooms in Brewer's Block, Brattle St., cor. of Palmer. Hours from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. o9-1m

Call on Mr. G. H. Papazian, at 4 Divinity Avenue, any time, and obtain interesting Turkish articles of usefulness at bargain. n2-6t

Berkely Hall Assemblies every Tuesday evening are the most popular parties in Boston. Students would do well to patronize these parties. H. E. Munroe, Manager. 39-6t

HIGHEST PRICES PAID for cast off clothing. We make a specialty of cleaning, repairing, pressing and dyeing all kinds of Gents' Clothing. Call or send postal to 465 Main St, Cambridge-port.


WILLIAM H. BROWN.oct16 eod

TO LET. Suite of rooms 11 Shepherd Block, 29 Holyoke street. Newly papered and painted. Apply to janitor on premises or to Joshua Whitmarsh, 7 Holworthy. 6teod33

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