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Although a large number of new lockers have been put in the gymnasium recently, the supply is still inadequate for the demand. It is a pity that men who desire to have the benefit of a good gymnasium during the winter months should be prevented simply because there are not enough lockers to go around. If possible, a few more should be built in the basement of the gymnasium, even if one of the bowling alleys had to be taken out to make room for them. Before the weather becomes so disagreeable as to put an end to outdoor exercise and compel the students to use the gymnasium more as a means of exercise, we should like to call the attention of the gymnasium authorities to the fact that last year there was great complaint at the wretched bathing facilities offered. The shower bath could not accommodate over half the men who wish to use it. The only resource left was to wait patiently until some one had finished with a bath tub, and by seizing it immediately anticipate half a dozen other competitors. As probably more men will use the gymnasium this year than ever before, steps should be taken at once to give no such cause for grumbling as was apparent last year.
